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Klipp-It Coupler

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Goods can be picked up from the nearest convenient location or delivered by our fleet. Prices are on application and tiered based on the distance and order volume between the branch the goods are transported from and the delivery site:

1 - 10 miles

11 - 25 miles

26 - 40 miles

40 miles+

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To find out if the product you're searching for is stocked nearby, enter your site's postcode, and then give us a call to discuss your requirements.

Looking for a solution?

Looking for a solution?

Altrad Generation offers a wide range of fencing and hoarding systems which provides versatile site protection that promotes safety and security.


Frequently Bought Together

Round Top Temporary Fence Panels

Round Top Temporary Fence Panels

2 sizes available

Anti-Climb Pedestrian Gate

Anti-Climb Pedestrian Gate

1 size available

Anti-Lift Device

Anti-Lift Device

1 size available

Standard Black Rubber Foot

Standard Black Rubber Foot

1 size available

Round Top Temporary Fence Panels

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Round Top Temporary Fence Panels

Select the variant you wish to add then change the value and click add to quote:

Anti-Climb Pedestrian Gate

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Anti-Climb Pedestrian Gate

Select the variant you wish to add then change the value and click add to quote:

Anti-Lift Device

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Anti-Lift Device

Select the variant you wish to add then change the value and click add to quote:

Standard Black Rubber Foot

Quick Add

Standard Black Rubber Foot

Select the variant you wish to add then change the value and click add to quote:

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